Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How many people can I place on my Corporate Membership?

A: As long as they work at the same organization, you can place as many people as you want. Once the number approaches 1000-1500 people, there tends to be a saturation point. But, we welcome as many as you nominate.

Q: Is the Biostics Project Management (BPM) certification included with the annual BIG license?

A: No, there is a separate investment associated with the certification – which includes assessments, quizzes and the final certification exam. Much of the BPM content is available in the Library, so access to the BPM content is included in the Biostics Industry Group license. But there is a nominal additional fee for each of the other elements.

Q: If there is a topic which I want covered in a Biostics Industry Group webinar, can I request that the topic be addressed?

A: Yes! We strongly encourage you to make these requests and suggestions. As long as the topic is relevant to the biostics industry audience, we will ensure your suggestion becomes a session.

Q: If there is a topic which I want researched, can I request Biostics Industry Group perform that research?

A: Yes! As with the webinars, Biostics Industry Group wants to ensure the research resonates with the Voice Of The Licensee. We do need to focus our research on biostics topics. As long as your research request fits this description, please let us know and we will commence the research. If the research is unique to your needs and you want to be the sole recipient of the Research Report, then we would require that you take on a Corporate License. With that Corporate License, we will conduct the research at no additional charge to you – and we will present the findings as a webinar exclusively to you and your team.

Q: What are the benefits of the various BIG offerings?

A: This chart highlights the benefits.